Thursday, July 25, 2013

Day 5!


July 19th, 2013

Joe Welke works for the Nez Perce Tribe. He works in the trail program working as a trails volunteer coordinator. He does and monitors most of the trail work that is done in the forest. Another guy we worked with was Jason Fisher. Jason is the recreational developer. 

We got to put up a sign in front of the trail. We then painted the sign, which will later be used to give people some information about the trail and it's rules. 
After the sign was done being put up, we then had to make trenches about every 20 feet to help water drain off the trail. We also had to take out trees and branches that were possibly in the way. This part of the day was awesome! It was so hot outside, but I was cutting down some trees like trail work was my passion! We used saws and loppers in order to cut down the trees and branches. Overall this experience made me interested in forestry ahhhh!

We stopped for lunch at the Blue Lagoon and many of the kids went swimming. 

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